1. Been to uni - stay 45. Job while studying – pick up a card
2. man who kissed man - pick up a card 46. Have a smartphone – stay
3. man who kissed man - out 47. Mac computer – stay
4. woman who kissed woman - pick up card 48. If you live on your own – pick up a card
5. woman who kissed woman - out 49. If you live alone – miss a go
6. woman - out 50. Black – pick up a card
7. woman - pick up a card 51. Black – drop out
8. white male - skip go 52. Muslim woman - out
9. wealthy family - give everyone a card
10. wealthy family – choose someone to drop out
11. rich white european male - choose someone to drop out
12. parent went to uni - stay
13. unemployed - pick up a card
14. unemployed – drop out
15. gay woman - out
16. woman under age of 30 - drop out or play with a man
17. family with 5 or more members - pick up 5 cards
18. if you’re from europe or the us - give a card to someone
19. raised by single parent – pick up a card
20. raised by single parent – drop out
21. family owns 2 car – skip a go
22. internet at home - stay
23. hot water at home - stay
24. suffer from mental illness – pick up a card
25. suffer from mental illness – drop out
26. felt depressed – pick up a card
27. failed english or maths gcse – drop out
28. Asian – give everyone a card
29. Asian – pick up 2 cards
30. man with dyed hair – pick up a card
31. visible tattoos – pick up a card
32. visible tattoos – drop out
33. gay black woman - out
34. art student – pick up a card
35. transgender – out
36. Dyslexic – out
37. Dyslexic – pick another card
38. Fine art student – pick up 2 cards
39. Student loan – pick up a card
40. South London accent – pick up a card
41. South London accent – drop out
42. Northern accent – pick up a card
43. Northern accent – drop out
44. Muslim – out
I with Huilin done the cuting of card
I design the box
after print